
Latest articles in ‘Management’

  1. Professional Penetration Testing (Thomas Wilhelm)

    Published: Sat 19 August 2017 in Library.
    Penetration testing not seen as a technical operation but as a business activity: what changes when a hobby becomes a real job?

    This book does not teach you penetration testing technically, it teaches you penetration testing professionally. Here, the pentest is not a technical exercise anymore, it becomes a paid service delivered to a customer to satisfy a business need. This requires more than throwing a bunch of tools and lines of code toward a target. This requires things like planning, methodology, quality and risks management, and communication. This is what this book is about.

    This book target mainly three kind of audiences:

    • People who are already familiar with the technical side of pentesting and are wondering if making it a career would be interesting for them (doing something as a hobby and as a job is not the same) and, if so, how to proceed and what to expect.

    • Pentesters already in the field but who would-like to have a broader view of their current job.

    • Project managers who are already …

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